06 February 2007

Make us One.

This is our DTS class! This week is going so well. Our guest speaker is teaching on "Relationships" and how important it is that they are healthy and that they follow the model that God gave us. We are all so challenged, and it's really good to see God growing a deeper love inside of each student...a love to know Him and be in relationship with Him, as well as to be in loving and healthy relationships with each other.

Jason left for Ensenada, Mexico for a YWAM conference today! A bit sad, but actually good...I'm looking forward to seeing what God has to say to me this week...to have time to be able to catch up on journaling and reading!

Here are some pictures of Jason and I this past weekend!
Tonight we are going to be praying in the Castro (one of SF's districts, and also where our school leaders, Ruthie and Brian, live) together!
Children below
Fresh from the foe
Hands 'neath the moonlight
Lord please make us one

We hear the tide
Roll through the night
Come lead the weary
Lord please make us one

Children rejoice
Come to the voice
Song of the angels
Healing the broken ones

Seasons of rain
Battles unwon
Lead to the fountain
Wash and make us one

All hearts rejoice
With mighty voice
Make us a rainbow
Lord please make us one

Light in the sky
Breath of our life
Unite the rainbow
Lord please make us one

Make us a rainbow
Lord please make us one


Virginia said...

Great photos of you & J. Miss you a lot so am really glad you're coming over tonight.

Of course, love the lyrics of "Make Us One", too. I sang that at our friends', Keith & Tricia's wedding.

Anonymous said...

I love you deeply...I'm so glad that the winter dts is so rad..they are so very lucky to have you as staff.
Love you!