18 February 2007

So this week has just been a whirl. I'm not even sure why! Our teaching this week for the DTS students was on "The Bible"...on Thursday, I taught a specific Bible study method, which was really cool...we studied the book of Jonah together, and got so much out of it! A lot about God wanting to use us, even if we're being unwilling or selfish...but also that God wasn't satisfied with using Jonah's life for others, but He wanted Jonah to understand and trust Him still...so good.
Last Sunday, me and my dear Irish friend, Kirsty Reilly, went to Grace Cathedral to listen to a form on human trafficking...which is so huge today, even in our country. A man who has started a movement of awareness was there to speak about his new book "Not For Sale." I didn't realize how terribly prominant this issue is...there are 200,000 modern-day slaves in the U.S. today, and 17,000+ arriving each year. Many of the women here in SF that we pray for and that work in the "massage parlors" are trafficked over from Asia and Latin America under the lie that they will be able to work and find a good life in America, but instead are threatened and forced into working as prostitutes.

Please find out more, this is too much to not be aware of. The website that tells more is: http://www.notforsalecampaign.org

It was really cool, because the guy heading it up is a strong Christian and also a professor at SF State...it was also encouraging because we've been praying for God to open doors to release these women from this for a long time now, and this is the open door!

Today I was able to go to my church here, which I haven't been able to for a few weeks now, and it was so encouraging! God has been challenging me to trust Him with finances...He's provided so much for me...and I have been worried the last few weeks, because I still need quite a bit of support to go on our outreach to Morocco and Italy, and also taxes are coming up fast! But this weekend has been a huge revelation that I have not been trusting Him to provide and take care of every aspect of my life!

After church this afternoon, we went to have pizza at a lovely place called Supremo's. I went with Jason, our friend Steve, and Tyler and Mayra (two of the wonderful DTS students)...we took some pictures...........

08 February 2007

There's no greater love.

I know one day, all our scars will disappear,

like the stars at dawn and all of our pain,

will fade away when morning comes

and on that day when we look backwards we will see,

that everything is changed and all of our trials,

will be as milestones on the way

and as long as we live, every scar is a bridge

to someone's broken heart and there's no greater love,

than that one shed his blood for his friends

on that day all of the scales will swing to set

all the wrongs to right all our tears,

and all of our fears will take to flight

but until then all of our scars will still remain,

but we've learned that if we'll open the wounds

and share them then soon they start to heal

(as long as we live, we are bridges to someone broken heart

there's no greater love, shed your blood for your friends)

we must see that every scar is a bridge,

and as long as we live we must open up these wounds

when some one stands in your shoes

and will shed his own blood

there's no greater love. we must open up our wounds

I'm in the process right now of God opening up those wounds...so many things that He's challenging me with...Can I learn to love Him and receive His love? I feel like there has been so much to hold me back from truly loving and receiving love, not only from Him, but from others as well...and He's promising to change that in me. Father, change me...I want to love you with everything in me...

06 February 2007

Make us One.

This is our DTS class! This week is going so well. Our guest speaker is teaching on "Relationships" and how important it is that they are healthy and that they follow the model that God gave us. We are all so challenged, and it's really good to see God growing a deeper love inside of each student...a love to know Him and be in relationship with Him, as well as to be in loving and healthy relationships with each other.

Jason left for Ensenada, Mexico for a YWAM conference today! A bit sad, but actually good...I'm looking forward to seeing what God has to say to me this week...to have time to be able to catch up on journaling and reading!

Here are some pictures of Jason and I this past weekend!
Tonight we are going to be praying in the Castro (one of SF's districts, and also where our school leaders, Ruthie and Brian, live) together!
Children below
Fresh from the foe
Hands 'neath the moonlight
Lord please make us one

We hear the tide
Roll through the night
Come lead the weary
Lord please make us one

Children rejoice
Come to the voice
Song of the angels
Healing the broken ones

Seasons of rain
Battles unwon
Lead to the fountain
Wash and make us one

All hearts rejoice
With mighty voice
Make us a rainbow
Lord please make us one

Light in the sky
Breath of our life
Unite the rainbow
Lord please make us one

Make us a rainbow
Lord please make us one